Saturday, August 8, 2009

There were, in the end, 2.3 million-odd finds ...

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... but there's only one of these: a photograph, believed, from her own testimony, to date from a season later than 1986, of Corky Gregory, wielding a catbasher, in oilskins, in the rain, dragging spoil into a bucket. "By then I had a full-time job in Plymouth, and so I could only be a weekend archaeologist," says Corky: having first dug at Crickley in 1976, from 1978 to 1986, - a third of the duration of the dig - Corky was the Finds Supervisor: there will be hundreds, if not thousands, of Crickley diggers who remember Corky's supremely calm and organised supervision of that hut. Unflustered charm, suffused with a backbone of meticulous method & rigour which meant that nothing was misplaced [OK, Corky, you can pay me later - Ed.!].Corky absolutely assured me at the reunion this year that this photograph was not posed ...

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