Jill Hummerstone included with her photographs a couple of copies of the 'Crickley Chronicle', the newsletter of the Friends of the Crickley Hill Trust, which was edited by Lydia Savage. Today pages 1 and 5 from the Spring 1990 issue no 22. Page 1 asks the question "What are these people doing?" and page 5 provides the answer.
"February ...... The Friendlier Fieldwalking Survey
Earlier this year thanks to the permission of Mike Cuttell the owner of Ullenwood Court Farm, the opportunity arose to undertake a fieldwalking survey of the Crippets Field Long Barrow and its environs. This would be the last chance that anyone would have to carry out such a survey for some time as the field was soon to put to pasture. Hence we approached our task with a good deal of enthusiasm.
Our aim was to undertake a hacher survey of the longbarrow itself and to fieldwalk the surrounding area, along with that on and around the ploughed out round barrow which lies to the south of this. While one party strode into the undergrowth atop the longbarrow clutching the theodolite and a set of ranging poles, the remainder edged their way forward clutching their markers with a cry of 'Eyes down for a full house'.
Despite a brief period when we wondered whether flippers might not be a more suitable form of attire than walking boots all those who took part remained undeterred and the weekend was well supported. We managed to achieve all our objectives in the time allowed and satisfyingly, finds were plentiful. These consisted chiefly of flint (including a D-shaped scraper and a slug knife) and a smaller quantity of pottery.
Our 'friendly' flintophile John Gale will be looking at the finds in more detail and thanks must go to him and all the other friends who helped make the weekend such a resounding success."
C-H-M does not know what a 'hacher survey' is. Neither does Google. Can anyone enlighten him? There's a picture of a D-shaped scraper here. I could only find a picture of a slug on a knife as opposed to a slug knife so will not trouble my readers with it.
Dr Ferris wittily illuminates: "Making a hash of it: That's because the word is 'hachure'. A hachure is the symbol to denote slope; the thicker end of the hachure being the higher point. Thus one can use hachures to depict both banks and ditches etc very easily and clearly. C'est tout."