Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ferris, I.M. reflects upon life and flint ...

"Even after two days of intensive regressive hypno-therapy I am unable to confirm that the photograph recently posted on Crickley Hill Man's blog is of Cutting N7. The N and O series of cuttings had quite complex geology/subsoil and there were many gulls cutting across them, as in your photograph, but whether your photo is of one of the cuttings I supervised I cannot say for certain, though I suspect it is. Speaking of the N and O series, I do recall cutting O1 extremely well, on which there was a leaf-shaped arrowhead chipping floor. We made every effort to recover even the tiniest trimming flakes and I remember Corky's determination in the finds hut that no flint debitage, however small, would escape proper washing, drying and marking. Dedication indeed. I wonder if the flint scatters plotted for O1 were ever drawn up ready for publication-perhaps Phil might be able to let us know.
The regressive hypno-therapy has, though, got me wondering why my mother locked me in that cupboard for so long, but I don't expect this will be of much interest to Crickley Hill Man and his dedicated readers."

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