Monday, April 13, 2009

Well it did get a bit messy at times ...

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I have hesitated for some months, agonising about the advisability of posting this photograph: it shows, late one night at Ullenwood, why you might be chary about letting your child go and dig at Crickley Hill.  Left to right, Crickley Hill Man engaged in that evening's entry for a gurning competition, Mike Taylor, downing what was doubtless a bottle of GL cider or possibly some Newcastle Brown ale, Dr Phillpotts, serenading him with a kazoo, whilst accompanied by Mandy Hatherly and Randell Motkin.  The names have not been altered to protect the innocent.

Dr Ferris writes "I was shocked to discover, on close inspection, that this recently-posted photo of late-night carousing on Crickley Hill Man's blog was not in fact a still from Mickey Rourke's excellent film 'Barfly', as I had first thought, but rather a depiction of some sordid scene from Crickley Hill Man's dissolute youth. CHM, the gurning Charles Bukowski-type character in the forefront of the revels, and his inebriated cohorts had evidently failed to pay heed to Richard Savage's annual pep-talk about the dangers of drugs, drink and adders and were now paying the price. Perhaps it was the next day that Crickley Hill Man fell asleep in a posthole, as he has recounted elsewhere on the blog?"  

Quite possibly so, Iain, but lost in the mists of time ...

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