Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Matthew 7:8 - and he that seeketh findeth: why we had Thursdays off...

Professor Dixon illuminates: "In re your last blog, I hasten to provide enlightenment… If we are to have a day off (and on some sites we didn't: Greenwich Palace 1971 lasted for 2.5 months without a day off, which is why we took a day off at Crickers), the weekend is not a candidate, since many locals came to dig at weekends. Wednesday in those times was a poor option since shops closed then for the afternoon (it was that long ago). Fridays were not good since weekenders and those coming for a week’s digging etc might expect to arrive that evening after work, which would prevent staff from having an evening off somewhere, and Friday was a good day to spend preparing for the great increase in numbers on Saturday, and ensuring that they could be utilised properly (eg buying more pencils, drawing film, tools, nails and string…) Mondays were not ideal, since they were required to tidy up the chaos which might follow the enthusiasm of part time diggers on Sunday. This basically left either Tuesday or Thursday, and we tossed for it, and selected Thursday. This further ensured that our weekly parties were held on Wednesday night, since sobering up on the morning after could be done during your time rather than the dig’s. It all makes sense…"

I knew there was a reason why the parties were on a Wednesday ...  and am I not right in thinking that the dig at Greenwich led directly to the recruitment to the Crickley team of the stalwart and splendid Mr Paul Noakes? 

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