Today, with thanks to PWD for permission, the final part of the Fourth Report from 1972:
"The Period 3 Settlement
The total diameter of the roundhouse was about 14.8 m. A number of post holes whose dating is uncertain lay within the circle. Some may belong to partitions at the west end of House 2 of Period 2: postholes 522, 541 and 542 probably associated with the roundhouse, but none were substantial enough to have held up the roof. No central support was possible, for a hearth lay in the middle of the house, and while roof supporting posts might have rested on the ground surface (producing a tower-like structure similar to that proposed for Little Woodbury roundhouse (Bersu, 1940) no evidence of this is likely to be forthcoming. Like the roundhouses of similar size, and apparently similar construction, at Pimperne or Longbridge Deveril, the roof construction of the Crickley roundhouse is problematic.
To the south west of House 4 two small hearths were surrounded by clusters of small postholes. Further holes, both small and large, lay to the south of the roundhouse and to the north of House 1. For none are there adequate grounds to allow period attribution, and all are shown in figure 5 as of uncertain period. The excellent preservation of the hearths might suggest ascription to the final phase of occupation, and this, more tentatively, might be indicated by the undue proximity of one of the structures to the front of House 5. The post holes around hearth 801 could be seen as a trapezoidal building: heavy burning to the south of the hearth had reduced the bedrock to quicklime, an intense heat that suggests some industrial function from the building. The internal post holes were perhaps to support a frame around hearth itself. No clear pattern can be made of the post holes in other areas, and, as flimsy shelters, drying racks or similar two or more pos-structures, some may belong to the Period 2 and others too are shown for convenience, on the Period 3 plan (figure 6).
If the Period 3a defences are correctly interpreted as a temporary re-fortification of the hilltop after the Period 2 destruction (
The decorated sherds of fine fabric with incised linear ornament (illustrated and described in
This break in the ceramic tradition, whatever interpretation be put upon it, should therefore be placed between Period 2 and Period 3a, a period which saw the change from longhouse to roundhouse, and also from daub filled with grit to clean sifted daub in the wattling of these buildings.
Comparanda for the pottery should be treated with caution in view of the paucity of the material. The closest parallels for the sherds of the latest period appear to come from the Upper Thames (references given in Dixon 1971), in context now ascribed to the initial stages of the Iron Age and dated not later than the sixth century BC (Harding, 1972). The cultural context of the longhouses is at present quite uncertain. Analysis of strata deposited by erosion between Period 2 and Period 3a indicated no considerable time-span (Dixon, 1970) but calibration of this in terms of years, decades or even centuries is hardly possible.
The longhouses themselves are of a type seldom recognized in
Future work
In 1973 we shall continue the excavation of the area behind the entrance, and hope to reveal more of both the longhouse and the roundhouse settlements. The work requires volunteers and adequate financing to augment the generous support of the
Bersu, 1940: ‘Excavation at Little Woodbury’, Proc. Prehist.Soc. VI
Harding, 1972: The Iron Age in the
Soudsky, 1969: ‘Etude de la maison Neolithique’, Slovenska Archaeologia XVII
Stanford, 1970: ‘Credenhill Camp…’ Arch. Journal CXVII
Waterbolk, 1964: ‘The Bronze Age Settlement of Elp’ Helinium 4
Wolseley et al, 1925: ‘Prehistoric and Roman Settlements on Park Brow’ Archaeologia LXXVI"
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