Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Guardian crossword, 1972

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A rather crowded shelter in 1972, or thereabouts in this photo from Andrew Powell. He recalls that the object of attention was the Guardian crossword. Amongst others, L to R: Dave Southwood, Mike Webb and John Parry.  It's interesting to see that at this time the trestle tables for serving drinks and lunch were set up in the shelter.  In later years, unless my memory plays me false the tables tended to live outside the shelter, presumably because there were too many diggers to accommodate the tables as well.


Max said...

Do we know if they have completed it yet?

Unknown said...

Are you sure about date and people because it looks like Biggles, les Capon and Mike Sims to me. Which would place it in the 80s

Julian Parker said...

Yes: pretty sure, in that my info was supplied by Andrew whose photo it is. Also I'm v sure it's JP in the background ...